How can someone be that busy?

I know, I know.. It's been weeks since I posted anything here. For those hand-full of people who actually care, I'm sorry for not being consistent. It's ironic because my last post was about asking you all for suggestions as what should I write about. Thank you for sending me personal messages on Instagram and the 2 anonymous people who commented, I'll surely take into consideration all the suggestions.

February was really messy, so many assignments (Guyzz! pursuing masters is not easy), weird mood swings, high highs, and low lows! Even though there were days that I felt like writing something but I couldn't. But honestly, most of the days I just told myself, it is okay, I am busy. I mean, there's only so much you can do in 24 hours and when it comes to choosing, writing something for the blog was just not amongst my top priorities. But, March is here and so let's march into this post. (Ksorry, bad one). 

© Kartik Sharma

Anywayyyyyyyyy, so I was thinking about something to write about and how I should start this post apologizing for being busy and then it just hit me, WHY DON'T I WRITE ABOUT 'BEING BUSY' or about people who say, "I am sorry I'm not able to talk, I'm just too busy" or about the people who think, "How can someone be that busy?".

We all have that friend(s) who is super busy, nobody in the group has an idea what he has been up to, who doesn't reply for like a day or two and still pretends as if he replied in a few seconds. Okay, somehow you do still know what he has been up to, you try to understand the situation and be cool with it. But it sucks when he just doesn't care to call/text on his own, I mean, I get it, you can't talk to me every day, honestly neither can I  but maybe once a week? once in two weeks? for like 15 minutes? Just to update each other with our lives? 
And I feel there's only a limit till one can get away from confrontation or just keep continuing this way without staying in contact and just say the same thing every time, " I'm sorry, please try and understand I have a lot of things to do". There just comes a point when you have to understand that that person doesn't give a fuck! You say you're busy but thanks to social media I just saw your story of drinking(yet again) with your friends. You say you're busy but you have time for your girlfriend/boyfriend. You say you're busy but you're still doing pretty much everything you want to do. 

I have a lot of friends who I talk to like twice a month and when we do we make sure we give full attention to each other. Show that they matter, show that you genuinely want to know 'what's up'.  to be a part of their life and let them be a part of yours. Maybe, I am feeling all this because I've been away from home for a while now (6 MONTHS, #NRI ) and just realized with time that how much people mean to me.

I guess it all comes down to prioritizing what's important and may be talking to your 'friends' is just not there in your priority list. And you know what? I think it's time for you to stop taking your friends for granted and own up to your shitty behavior. Oh and don't even try to give, "How can I miss you if you're always on my mind" shit! 

Human communication is so fucking important and I don't why most of us humans fail to understand it. Why don't we understand that taking out time for the people that we love is important? For those people in relationships and going through some weird phase due to lack of communication, JUST TALK IT OUT. Why do people hesitate from texting first and just want the other person to text first? If you really care then just message on your own. 

I don't know if all this makes sense to you, the person who is reading this,  or not. I don't know if people just lose interest in other people and find excuses to not talk or maybe I am wrong and they're just too busy but still care. But I personally feel,  no one can ever be that busy.. a day, two days, a week, two weeks but not always. 

 I know busy is a blessing and keeping yourself occupied and productive is THE BEST but what's the point of it all if you start losing people who you care about/ who care about you in the process?! Think about it.  And if you have been procrastinating talking to people you want to, please call them!

Ok, Bye.

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  1. Hellooo, favourite! Great to see you back here talking about this! Keep writing, you 💕

  2. Hey Karthk, this post of your's put me in a perspective, got me thinking about my meager communication skills!!

    1. Well, I hope you do something about it, now that you know! :)


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