Trees and Humans.

Hey Everyone, 

Today, I want to talk about trees. Yep, those big(or maybe even small) things that we are taught about in school and how they give us shed and the whole carbon dioxide and oxygen thing!!! Trees, that we see lots of every day, walking past and not really caring about them.

But obviously, it's my blog and hence I'm going to write about how I incorporated my overthinking skills with as simple as a thing, tree. 

The way I see it, we humans are just like trees, some trees are huge, some are small, some have branches going in all the directions, some have beautiful green leaves, some giving us apples, some oranges and all other different types of things, some are greener during the year while some are not but they still grow, some are there in groups while some stand alone but strong. And when the time comes, they just fall. 

Humans, we come in all shape and sizes, we have our own low moments, some people like to dress up while others just don't care about how they look, some people help you get through the worst of times while some people actually are the very reason why we go through these phases. some people feel more protective when they're around other people while some of us like to be alone, not necessarily lonely. Some people are good at studies, some at dancing, some at cooking while there are few people, allrounders as we call them,  letting themselves go and branch out in different fields! 

But do you know what’s one common thing amongst trees?

All of them shed leaves during some point of the year. 
Likewise, we all have low times in life and face our own challenges but it shouldn’t stop us from growing, exploring, discovering, learning and living.
It’s weird how all of us humans think that we are not like others and that we are weird in a way that nobody else is but doesn’t that actually make us similar in a way? Think about it.

Ok, Bye.


  1. :)
    The last thought. Has always been in my mind too.

    1. Feels great to know that I'm not the only one thinking that way :)


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