Do You Believe In Signs?

Hey, guys!

I posted my first blog post last Friday and the response has been crazy.

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Some reshared the link of the post, some commented on my Instagram post to wish me luck and most of the people just messaged me personally telling me that they're happy that I finally decided to start with the blog. Thank you, everyone.

(Also, For those who watch Jimmy Fallon, isn't he way too overdramatic? I mean, The guy can fake laugh about anything.)

It sure has motivated me and It feels great to get appreciated. But as much as I loved the attention, it only added to the pressure of being consistent and to give my best. Which got me thinking, "What should I post next?" I mean, obviously, I do have a few ideas which I want to write/talk about but considering that this is going to be my first real blog post, It has to be good, something that would make more people share it and bring new viewers to the blog.

And what did I decide to do?, other than panicking about the blog and binge-watching "Brooklyn 99" on Netflix, I brainstormed a lot of ideas but honestly, nothing worked. I just told myself that I shouldn't go hard on myself and that since I've decided to post weekly blogs, I do have time to think about something, maybe I should just look for some signs. Signs that would help me to come up with a topic. But I literally just watched Brooklyn 99.

(It's amazing, man. Still can't decide which my favourite character is. I'm kidding. it's Gina)
The first day I stayed at home and hoped that ideas would just come to my mind and I'll see the signs (I know, really stupid). The second day I decided to go out, see people, take a walk but it didn't work either. I guess I was just too overwhelmed by the response and I let it get to me. Then I got so fixated on looking for the signs. which eventually made me think about "Do People believe in signs?"

I for a fact have always believed in signs, I do feel that the universe is always trying to lead you towards something and it has its own mysterious ways to work. It's weird how I believe so much in this stuff but still can't think of an example right now to share. It's like when people ask me to tell them something about myself and I start questioning my entire existence and whether I even know who I am or not.

Let's say you like someone, you're trying to know them better. your friends keep telling you it's never going to happen, But you're still hopeful because that person just put up an Instagram story mentioning your favourite song/movie dialogue/meme. You take it as a sign and think it's all just meant to be but you only get to know two days later that the person is already dating someone else. (HA! LOSER!)

I remember while applying for universities for masters. I was still confused if I should actually pursue masters or work for a few years first. One day, while I was just going back home from college after talking to my friends about 'masters vs job' thing, I got off the bus and was walking towards the metro station and I saw a plane flying in the sky. It was clearly a sign!!! Or at least I took it to be one. (Obviously, I didn't take the decision of coming here just because I saw a plane. I'm not that stupid. Pshhhh, There were other intelligent and thoughtful reasons too. And a lot of other signs as well! Lol).

Still, not sure if it was the right decision or not. So, please don't ask me if it's better to pursue masters first or gain some work experience! JUST DON'T.

Anywayyyyyyy, do signs really matter? Don't we tend to see and accept the things we actually want to? Like, what if all this is just an illusion which motivates us to actually do whatever we already know we want to do, Does it give us some kind of a push into the direction of what we want or does the universe actually is always trying to communicate to us with weird co-incidences? Is it some kind of excuse we use to just proceed with the thing we want or is just a theoretical thing that we think is true but actually it's all in our mind?! Do we just believe in them as long as they are in our favour and we start questioning the concept of it when they are not?

Well, to conclude, I don't know if signs are for real and if the universe is always trying to show us the right path but I, personally, choose to disagree that signs don't make a difference.

What about you,  "Do you believe in signs?"

Ok, Bye.

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Also, Don't forget to subscribe to the blog to be the first one to know whenever I post something new.

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  1. Hey,
    Do you believe in intuition? And do you believe that their is some connection between intuitions and signs? ��

    1. Hey Pragya,

      Yes, I do believe in intuition and it's indeed connected with signs.

      You only follow a sign if you are intuitive about it. Thousands of things are always happening around you, you don't notice everything but only the things you really want to see/believe and the ones you're intuitive about.

      Well, this is just my point of view and I would love to know what's your take on it :)

    2. Same same! :)
      And the blog was beautifully written..


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