Let's Begin, Shall we?


Welcome to my first blog post ever. This is probably my 5th attempt at starting a blog and I'm glad that I finally decided to execute it. So, for the very first post, I thought it only makes sense to answer the who, what and why questions!

Who Am I?

I'm just an ordinary hopeless-romantic, average looking, hard-working guy named Kartik. Born and brought up in Delhi, India. I recently moved to Dublin, Ireland for pursuing post-graduation in Data And Computational Science at University College Dublin.

I'm into photography and writing, though not really good at either of those. I love dancing and regret having done nothing about it, also a frequent user of self-deprecating humor as means of existence. But what tops the list of my hobbies (also the reason why I'm starting this blog) is Overthinking. I think I have this super-power which enables me to overthink about anything and everything. And like billions of people out there, even I believe I'm different in some ways or just Atypical, who refuses to function on the norms defined by the society.  WEIRDO!

I might seem to be mysterious or just sad/angry most of the times to the people who don't know me but that's just because I have a poker face and I can't help it!

I usually find it hard to initiate a conversation but believe me I've been trying to get better at it.
In short, 
I'm an open book only if someone cares enough to pick up the damn book and actually read it!

What’s this blog about?

Honestly, I can’t think of a particular genre to say what this blog is going to be about. A bit of photography, a bit of writing but mostly representing how I look/feel/react to things in life.  I have always called myself an observant and feel that we are a representation of what we have grown up listening, watching and experiencing different things in life. And I think I now finally want to share my feelings, emotions, and thoughts through this platform of blogging and put my overthinking skills to some use.

Some days it would just be a place where I rant about things, sharing what I've been feeling.. be it good or bad and other days it would just be random questions, thoughts, and just more questions.

The reason I averted myself this long from starting a blog is that I fear that I won't be able to stay consistent. And even now, I am not sure how I am gonna take out time for it or think about things to write about each week but I am gonna try my best to be as consistent as I can with these weekly blogs. 

Why should you be interested?  

Well, I’ve always felt that writing about what I’m going through at a particular point of time in my life has always been a positive outlet for me. Even though how different we feel as humans, there are so many ways in which people still relate and connect with each other. And I believe, there are other weirdos out there who would find, not all but a few, things relatable. I know how it feels to be alienated, thinking that you are just trying to fit and not actually belong there. By using this platform, if I could make even a handful of people feel more accepted and less different, I'll consider my job done.

Why this name?

Google defines Ambivalent as,
having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone.” And I think this is the best word that describes me as a person. Trying to be positive but still having so many negative thoughts, having an optimistic outlook towards life but still showing traits of a pessimist. Honestly, The glass is indeed half full and half empty and I'm fine with it. Life is definitely not just black and white for me and rather so much more than that.

I know that not all of you reading this right now would be willing to read what I have to offer in the near future and that's okay. But for those who would, I just want to let you know that it's going to be a crazy ride and I know I'm gonna make a lot of mistakes but just bear with me, please! Thank you.

Just when I was about to start writing this first blog post, someone on my Instagram feed posted a picture quoting, “What If I fall? Oh, but my darling what if you fly?” and by all means, I want to fly high. 
So, Let's Begin, Shall we?

Ok, Bye.


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