Life is short, you have all the time in the world.

Nope, I didn't type it wrong and you're reading it absolutely right. Life is short and you really do have all the time in the world.

It feels like the two people who said this thing must really hate each other and one would have always done the opposite of whatever the other one did. I don't know for good or for bad but they left us all with the mystery as which one is actually right and till today, even though we all choose the one we want to but still have a slight belief in the other.

We all have that one ( or more than one )  person in our life who we believe is made for something bigger and that he/she deserves so much more than what they have right now. Maybe your person is a dancer, who is probably one of the best dancers you know in the world but she still chose to pursue masters in some boring subject which she doesn't even really like. Or maybe your person is an amazing photographer but he's too scared to take the unconventional path and doesn't feel confident about himself and his talent and again, follows the conventional route of a typical desk job, giving away all that he could have achieved. And there's a possibility that you yourself are one of those people and reading this makes you go ,'Ohhhhh Damnnnnn'. 

We tell them that life is too short and they should do what they really want to do. They shouldn't wait for it or otherwise, they'll be stuck at where they are at the moment and there will be nothing left to do but to regret. That even if they might fail they should still try because if you'll never try, you'll never know, right? is all about taking risks or is it?!

BUT! Don't people also say, 'Don't worry Maaaaannnnn, you've all the time in the world'. Like what's the hurry about? I mean, take your time to figure out stuff. It's okay. Nothing's gonna change. You are still going to be this person and you're still going to have your talent. You might just be a late bloomer and did you read about this guy who gave up his job at 35 years of age just to pursue what he loves so maybe you could be one of those guys too. Or you know that couple who saved up money to finally quit their jobs and travel the world. So, it's all good. YOU HAVE ALL THE FUCKING TIME IN THE WORLD.

I mean what the hell is that person supposed to do and which advice should he listen and act on? I know that in the end, it all depends on that person and he'll do whatever he feels right but it's also true that other people's opinions do, in some way, influence our decision. No matter how much you try to deny it but I guess it happens with the best of us. 

People take year gap to figure out what they really want to do, and what do we say to them? It's okay, take some time off. It's just a year. (Also, which I believe is totally legit and everyone should do it!!!! I wish I'd done it or maybe I might)  But also, ARE YOU MAD? A YEAR. LIFE IS (what?) TOO SHORT! 

Life is too short to not to take risks and just go out there and take new challenges in life so that each day different. ALSO, take all the time in the world and why to risk it, get settled before it gets too late.

But as always we really do whatever we want to do. No matter how complicated this all may seem but I guess this is what it takes to tackle humans, the most complicated thing in this world! Diamonds cut diamonds, right?!!

Ok, Bye.

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