Connection (Feat. Perception)


If you're reading this, there's a high chance that you know me, personally (or through the internet) and you have some kind of idea about who I am as a person. If you are someone from school, you might have known me as a shy studious kid. If you knew me in college, you might remember me as someone from the photography society, the one who went abroad for his master's. If you are someone who met me in Ireland, you might think of me as this hardworking, always cribbing about life guy [or for my non-Indian friends, their token Indian friend.] 

This is at least what I believe what people remember me as, and obviously, you meet people from different walks of life, and hence it's not that simple. Maybe two people who met me at the same time have a really different understanding of who I am as a person and even though it would be really exciting to see yourself from someone else's point of view, it could be really damaging at the same time. 

The same goes for how I perceive people as well. As a human being, I believe we all have a first impression of some people, we hear about them from other people, we then form our own opinion by meeting them, and most of the time, our perception of them changes as we establish a connection with them. Sometimes I end up getting more closer to the person but other times I might start distancing myself from them, ya know, if I don't feel the vibe.

This made me think isn't it so amazing how even though when two people are together, they perceive each other so differently? We remember different parts of the conversations with them, the part we liked or disliked, the one we totally related on, or maybe the part where you totally disagreed.  People say that in a relationship, there would always be one person who would love the other person more and I truly believe that. But this goes beyond just love relationships, think about any random friend of yours, either they know so much more about your personal life than you know about theirs, or they have so many other closer friends than you do, it doesn't mean they love you any less, but it does make a difference, right?

You know, how you have a friend who claims to be busy all the time because they got a new job, but then you get a job and you realize, yes it's crazy but it's not as crazy as they make it sound? Or when some friends just don't reply for hours but when they message you, you just reply within a few minutes?? And the fact how you think about different people to talk to depending on what you want to talk about? So, say if you want to talk about your job-related issue, you might message a friend who knows all about your professional journey and the associated struggles, maybe because they've had a similar experience or sometime in the past they told you about someone going through a similar thing. And how if you want to talk about some family drama, you would message a certain friend because, again, they might have a similar thing going at their own home or maybe because they know all about your crazy family and you don't have to explain them everything from the beginning. Do those friends think about you too when they face similar issues? 

It has a lot to do with how we understand things around us, what are things that make us feel so strongly about something, what kinda things you bond on, and the list goes on. But just to think, the kind of importance you give to a certain relationship, the other person doesn't give the exact same importance, it could be either more or less butttt probably never the same??? How you could be so vulnerable with some people who aren't with you at all. And How some people would say a certain thing reminded them about you, when you haven't thought about them in weeeeeks. 

Whatever this is, it sure is one of the most interesting tracks in the album of life. A beautifully produced, lyrically genius song, connection ft. perception.

And if you want more people to know me, who don't know me otherwise, please share this post ( or any other from the blog, it would mean a lot!!! )


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