you win some, you lose some.

If you clicked on this link thinking this would be one of that BuzzFeed-Esque articles and I would list down ways to how and why you should stop comparing yourself to others;

1. you either don't know me

2. you are new to this blog.. in that case, welcome, this is a space where I crib about life and somehow people find it relatable?

Anyway, coming back to comparing yourself to other people. In the kind of society we live in, it would be really odd to think that you have never compared yourself with other people around you. I know, I have. We grow up comparing ourselves with other people, though, the reasons and the intensity keeps changing but it's still there. Why did I not win even one of those random 'best out of waste' Friday activity competitions my school used to organize?  Why did that person get into this college society but I didn't even make it through the first round? Why did my friend got placed in this dream job and I didn't even get the chance to reach the final interview? Why am I single and people around me are getting into relationships, married, having kids? Why is that one person from my batch who had like no skills whatsoever is now earning more than I do? 

I am sure, you have thought about one of these at some point of time (probably not the best out of waste competition bit but I NEVER WON ANY OF THE CREATIVE COMPETITIONS THAT MY SCHOOL USED TO ORGANIZE AND I AM STILL BITTER ABOUT THAT! The amount of time I used to spend trying to make flowers using tissue paper was unreal and the kind of patience I used to have.. omg. )

Anywayyyy, though you have not gone through the same situations, I am sure there must have been other situations in your life where you did end up comparing yourself to others. Be it someone close to you, acquaintance, or even some random stranger you saw LinkedIn. (I SWEAR some people on LinkedIn are soon going to start posting about the fact that they have started scheduling their toilet visits to optimize their time and how it has led to greater results in their life and how they are going to organize a webinar about it soon!!!!!!!!!!)

I am not saying I have grown into this person who doesn't compare himself with others, I still do and will probably gonna continue doing so. I mean jealousy is a human emotion so there's nothing wrong in feeling a bit jealous sometimes and even comparing yourself with others is NORMAL. I mean sometimes you are on the other end and you think about oh I have achieved more than those people I started with, or even, oh those people are doing so much better and we all started at the same level, what are they doing differently and what can I do to progress similarly. What is life if not a healthy competition with your peers right?!

So what's the issue then?! did I ramble just to say yeah go out there compare yourself, don't forget to like, share, and subscribe?! NO.

you can not live each day of your life comparing yourself to others thinking you are worthless, rather it's the exact opposite. 

If you really think about it, at least I always thought I was creative enough to keep participating in those silly competitions while others never had the courage or just didn't care enough. It sucks I didn't get into that society that I wanted to but I did end up getting the opportunity to be part of a different one which provided me an experience I wouldn't have had otherwise!! I didn't reach the final round of the interview but my friend got the job!? well, I still had something to celebrate that day, right?! I am still single though all my friends have been/are in relationships? at least I sleep peacefully every day without worrying about getting cheated on!???? And yes that person I underestimated at first is now earning way more than I am but I do not know how much effort they put in to be where they are.. irrespective of how hard I worked too. Sometimes it's just not the right time!

No matter how silly it sounds, you have to accept the fact that we all are indeed on our own journeys, some things happen for some people way easier than it would do for you, and maybe never for some! Life is shitty and unfair at times too, you will end up finding yourself sitting and cribbing about how the other person is thriving and you are just barely making it through BUT comparing will only make it worse. so STOP COMPARING.

(I can not really remember where I read/heard it) I am just gonna end with this analogy.

Think of life as this game you are playing, you can see how the other person is playing that game but at the end of the day, you have the ability to operate your own remote control only!

Just adding to that, you know the thing about games, right? you win some, you lose some.


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