It is okay not to be okay. But Is it really?

"It is okay not to be okay" is probably something we all keep reading/hearing every once in a while. It is something that people usually say to other people when the latter is going through something and they believe that saying this would automatically turn this "Depression" switch off and ~problem solved~.

No, but really I always wonder when people say that, how passionately do they actually believe in that? Do they say it just for the sake of saying it so as to not have a discussion about this thing called 'mental health'?

Okay, let's consider that they do mean it. They want us to feel that it's okay if I am not feeling okay, it's okay to feel worthless, it's okay to feel demotivated. But they still don't give you your space? They still don't understand the very basic thing of how to actually talk to someone who is going through something? Don't say you get it when you don't.

Again, it is okay if you don't know how to deal with it. Our education system didn't help us with that. I don't know how but it's good that you are lucky enough to not have any issues but if you really care for the person, educate yourself!!! Now, more than ever, there are so many resources out there to learn more about these things. I mean if you really care, it wouldn't be that big of a deal to do that, right?! 

You tell me it's okay not to be okay but the way you are reacting clearly shows you don't even know what you are saying?  You don't understand about giving some space to think about things, to give some time to recover. to not to judge for the kind of lifestyle one has adapted because of the circumstances. 

Or maybe it's about the fact that they just care too much for them to not constantly "look" after you. But then maybe learn how to show the concern, Maybe just tell them that you are going to be there for them and that you respect their decision of taking a break from things. There so many ways you could be supportive than to drag them outside the house, force them to do something they don't want to, say something but then act totally different. 

Understand that if someone hasn't texted you in a while it doesn't mean they don't love you anymore but just that they are going through something and it's okay if they don't want to talk about it right away. They will talk about it in their own time.  And when they are ready, make sure you actually listen to them!

I don't honestly know if it is okay not to be okay. I mean it is for sure TOTALLY OKAY NOT TO BE OKAY, I think it just depends if the person who is telling you this means it or not. And if you are like me trying to make yourself believe that it is okay not to be okay and have been doing this for months and just keep pushing people away, seek help!  :D 

Ok, Bye.


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